Is an Iodine Deficiency Linked To Male Pattern Baldness and Gluten Allergies?
of these articles are quotes. I refer to several of them as 'excellent'
because I ran out of compliments. Possibly because I wasn't raised
well...or 'excellently'.
Am I such a bad guy for suggesting iodine can regrow your hair?
First of all - can an iodine deficiency cause your hair to fall out?
Do you have friends with full heads of hair? Chances are those people are FULL of iodine...
Thyroid Disease Or Simply An Imbalanced Thyroid Gland Can Cause Hair Loss (and weight gain)
Thyroid problems are among the most common medical conditions but, because their symptoms often appear gradually, they are commonly misdiagnosed. So much evidence suggests that thyroid problems are due to an allergic or environmental cause that it seems sensible to remove those substances known to affect the thyroid to see if this corrects the condition before taking any medication.
Even though the symptoms can be uncomfortable as well as unpleasant, most thyroid problems are not serious if they are properly diagnosed and treated. If a man has a family history of thyroid problems, notices any symptoms, or is getting up in years (thyroid problems are more common as people age), he should have his thyroid gland tested. The good news is, like high cholesterol, doctors can conduct a simple blood test to check the health of your thyroid and many thyroid problems are easily treatable.
Thyroid Disease Can Cause Hair Loss

Both an overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid can cause hair loss. Patients with an overactive thyroid gland, or hyperthyroidism, may also be symptomatic and require treatment to lower their thyroid hormone levels. Signs and symptoms of thyroid problems can be a result of either an overactive thyroid leading to too much hormone being produced causing symptoms of hyperthyroidism or an under active thyroid leading to symptoms of hypothyroidism. An imbalance in the level of these hormones (which may be brought by underactive or overactive thyroid glands)- may sometimes lead to hair thinning and hair loss. But, an overactive or underactive thyroid is not linked with a higher risk for other heart problems or an increased risk of death, researchers report.
Hypothyroidism should be suspected when you are experiencing some of the following symptoms: fatigue, muscle weakness, weight gain , appetite loss, hair loss, coarse, dry hair, dry/rough skin, recurrent infections, abnormal menses, inability to tolerate cold, decreased sex drive, depression, memory loss, muscle cramps, drooping and/or swollen eyes.
Many people notice rapid hair loss as a symptom of their hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism also known as Hashimoto's Disease is an autoimmune disease that causes gland inflammation or thyroid sluggishness. Hypothyroidism can cause hair loss, typically frontal, and is particularly associated with thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows (syphilis also can cause loss of the outer third of the eyebrows, so that's a bit of good news). Hyperthyroidism can also cause hair loss, which is parietal rather than frontal. Be Patient If you're experiencing hair loss and are just starting treatment for a hyperthyroid or hypothyroid condition, it's likely that for most of you, the loss will slow down, and eventually stop, once hormone levels are stabilized and in the normal range.
A quote from an excellent article from :
Many people notice rapid hair loss as a symptom of their hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism also known as Hashimoto's Disease is an autoimmune disease that causes gland inflammation or thyroid sluggishness. Hypothyroidism can cause hair loss, typically frontal, and is particularly associated with thinning of the outer third of the eyebrows (syphilis also can cause loss of the outer third of the eyebrows, so that's a bit of good news). Hyperthyroidism can also cause hair loss, which is parietal rather than frontal. Be Patient If you're experiencing hair loss and are just starting treatment for a hyperthyroid or hypothyroid condition, it's likely that for most of you, the loss will slow down, and eventually stop, once hormone levels are stabilized and in the normal range.
A quote from an excellent article from :
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A friendly reminder. KEEP IT THE HELL AWAY! |
Many problems can be averted through proper intake of iodine. However, the dietary allowance for iodine recommended by physicians and medical authorities in Australia is usually quite small at 150 micrograms per day when in fact up to 600 micrograms per day is more in accord with what the body actually needs for a healthy thyroid gland. It is therefore of supreme importance that people be educated about adequate iodine intake as well as the food sources of this essential mineral. Although common table salt is frequently iodized, there are many other food sources of iodine that we should know about. Seaweed, for instance, has long been recognized as an almost perfect source of iodine. The iodine found in seaweed works synergistically with other phytochemicals in seaweed that support healthy metabolism, digestion, and elimination of toxic waste. This type of iodine polytherapy from seaweed also enhances blood flow and helps to maintain healthy glucose levels. Kelp is very similar to seaweed and is a potent source of trace minerals, iodine, and phytochemical constituents that help to maintain gastrointestinal and thyroid health and to support normal metabolic function. Coleus forskholii is an iodine bearing herb that works directly on the heart muscle and on blood vessels to optimize blood flow throughout the cardiovascular system. It also helps to maintain healthy fat metabolism and overall immune health. Ashwagandha, often referred to as "Indian Ginseng," is a common herb used in Ayurvedic medicine which also works synergistically with the iodine found in the body. It is used to enhance mental and physical stamina and to advance the body's natural resistance and adaptation to stressful influences.
This is a quote from a fantastic article at
Food for your thyroid is food for thought
Before we proceed, what is a thyroid?
It is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. This gland controls how quickly our body will use up energy and make protein. It also controls the sensitivity of our body to other hormones. The thyroid is found in the neck underneath the thyroid cartilage and at almost the same level as the cricoid cartilage.
Thyroid Disorder
The thyroid hormone, the hormone secreted by the thyroid, is important at a certain level. It functions as a stimulus for metabolism. It is also critical to a cell's normal function.
Excess in production of the thyroid hormone results to hyperthyroidism. It causes our body system to speed up thus resembling the symptoms of epinephrine overdose. Symptoms include fast heart beat, palpitations, anxiety, diarrhea and weight loss.
In contrast, insufficient production of thyroid hormone in the body results to hypothyroidism. One of the factors that cause hypothyroidism is iodine deficiency. Some of the early symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
- Fatigue
- Cold intolerance, increased sensitivity to cold
- Depression
- Muscle cramps and joint pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Goiter
Essentials for a good thyroid function
There are essential nutrients needed for a healthy thyroid. One of which is tyrosine which is contained in foods such as avocado, banana and pumpkin seeds. Another is zinc found in foods such as seafood, nuts and a variety of meats. Other food contains one or more these essential nutrients. For example, peas are high in both iodine and zinc, turkey is rich in selenium, tyrosine and zinc. Trying to work out a healthy and balanced diet that contains all of these nutrients could be tricky.
Vivienne Savill is also the author of The Complete Guide to Fixing Hypothyroidism. This book goes one step further to ensure your food really is your medicine. It contains around 150 recipes that are delicious and easy to cook for a good thyroid health. Also contained in this great book is information about herbs and supplements that will treat your symptoms and have you feeling better real soon. You will also find a really useful acupressure program to balance your thyroid function.
So if you are sick of being told that you need a drug for the rest of your life, check this book out. This alternative treatment for your thyroid is well worth a look.
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Patrick Stewart for now...but Cate Blanchett in a few years. |
Natural Treatments for hypothyroidism
Countering Hypothyroidism
Hormonal and even vitamin deficiency may be countered by supplements. Here are some elements and food source that can help boost your thyroid hormone production.
1. Coconut Oil Coconuts and their byproducts do have many benefits. One of them is to counter hypothyroidism. Apart from this, they are also known as an agent in losing weight.
2. Iodine Foods rich in Iodine are usually saltwater foods like fish and seaweeds. Meat, eggs, yogurt, parsley, potatoes, radish, bananas and oatmeal are also Iodine-rich foods. However, the Iodine in soil nowadays is very much depleted. Commonly, people who do not salt their food suffer from iodine deficiency and may even lead to hypothyroidism. Hence, they remedy this by taking kelp tablets which are iodine-rich and affordable supplements.
3. Selenium Selenium is a necessary tool in the conversion of T4 to T3 thyroid hormone. Deficiency in this said element can decline thyroid activity in the body.
4. Bladderwrack This is an Iodine-rich seaweed which stimulates the thyroid gland thereby enhancing metabolism. It is known to counter hypothyroidism and contribute to weight loss.
5. Tyrosine Taking in Tyrosine as a supplement improves thyroid hormone production. It is an amino acid that is utilized to produce thyroid hormones out of Iodine.
6. Thyroid Glandular Treating thyroid problems always involved thyroid glandular. Mostly, these are taken only by prescription. However, some of these are also made available over-the-counter.
This is a great article from:
Is there a link between hair loss and Thyroid problems?
Hair Loss, The Thyroid Association
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A photograph of a Thyroid thingy. |
Hypothyroidism is a condition that doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. The most common cause of Hypothyroidism is called Hashimoto's disease, antibodies that attack the thyroid causing destruction towards the thyroid hormone production.
Causes of Thyroid Disease.
The signs and symptoms of Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism have some similarities, yet there are some differences. Hyperthyroidism causes loose bowel movement, but Hypothyroidism causes constipation. Heat is more tolerant with Hyperthyroidism.
Cold is however more tolerant in Hypothyroidism.
The one thing these two types of thyroid diseases have in common is they both are the major causes of hair loss. Some symptoms of hyperthyroidism are weight gain or loss, excessive perspiring, fatigue, leg swelling, emotional changes and oily skin. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism include weight gain, depression, the swelling of eyelids, hands and feet, muscle aches and dry skin. Studies have shown that millions of Americans have been affected with a thyroid disease. Some have been diagnosed while others with thyroid infections are undiagnosed. Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are an autoimmune thyroid disease that changes the natural body production between its tissues, organs and glands.
The antibodies destroy the thyroid or make it overly productive.
If you have one autoimmune disease you can easily increase the risk of attracting another autoimmune disease.
Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are two of the most common problems of thyroid development. Triodothyronine and Thyroxin are hormonal thyroids that deliver energy to the cells of the body.
For more information visit:
Hair Loss, The Thyroid Association was an article from:
Gluten and Thyroid disease...Is there a link?
Here's a quote from a brilliant article by Chris Kresser
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How a hair is born. |
The gluten-thyroid connection
In the first article in this series, I showed that hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease in 90% of cases. In this article we’re going to discuss the connection between autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) and gluten intolerance.Several studies show a strong link between AITD (both Hashimoto’s and Graves’) and gluten intolerance. [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] The link is so well-established that researchers suggest all people with AITD be screened for gluten intolerance, and vice versa.
What explains the connection? It’s a case of mistaken identity. The molecular structure of gliadin, the protein portion of gluten, closely resembles that of the thyroid gland. When gliadin breaches the protective barrier of the gut, and enters the bloodstream, the immune system tags it for destruction. These antibodies to gliadin also cause the body to attack thyroid tissue. This means if you have AITD and you eat foods containing gluten, your immune system will attack your thyroid.
Even worse, the immune response to gluten can last up to 6 months each time you eat it. This explains why it is critical to eliminate gluten completely from your diet if you have AITD. There’s no “80/20″ rule when it comes to gluten. Being “mostly” gluten-free isn’t going to cut it. If you’re gluten intolerant, you have to be 100% gluten-free to prevent immune destruction of your thyroid.
So how do you find out if you’re gluten intolerant? Unfortunately, standard lab tests aren’t very accurate. They test for antibodies to gluten in the bloodstream. But antibodies in the blood will only be found in cases where the gut has become so permeable that gluten can pass through. This is a relatively advanced stage of disease. Blood tests will miss the many milder cases of gluten intolerance that haven’t yet progressed to that stage.
Just to confirm - Is there a link between celiac disease and hair loss?
Here's a quote from from a 19 year old girl(a baker)
"So, my life as a celiac started when I was about 11. However, at that age, there was no way I was giving up my precious gluten. Sure, for the most part, I was gluten free. But if the situation arose and I was offered a piece of cake when my mother wasn't around I would never object. Screw health, I loved cake.
That being said a few years later, around 14, the doctors did another test and said, "Oh hey, we lied, she can have gluten." I was in my glory. From that day, up until about 2 weeks ago (I'm now nineteen), wheat was my main source of food! And honestly, I didn't notice anything too bad. Sure, I had stomach aches and headaches all the time, but nothing I really looked into. Up until about 8 months ago I just started feeling like absolute crap. All the time. I was seriously worried for my health. On top of that about 6 months ago my hair has starting thinning drastically. There is no bald patches, however I have lost about half of my hair. I have never been more stressed out and depressed about anything (which may sound dumb, but I'm a 19 year old female who has always been quite fond of my thick hair.) The stress certainly isn't doing any favours, I'm sure, but it's a little difficult when every single day I see more and more falling out and it's becoming terribly noticeable. "
She eventually told her doctors which tests to perform and now eats gluten free. She says she now feels full but not bloated after meals.
OK. So is there a link between Gluten (Celiac) and the Thyroid?
Digestive Alert - Thyroid, Celiac, & Candida - Tuesday, December 02, 2008
A new study shows that digestive distress can trigger a chain of events leading directly to thyroid damage. It has been observed that individuals with Celiac disease (gluten intolerance) also have thyroid problems. In the new research scientists tracked down the link by establishing that auto-immune antibodies against transglutaminase (a Celiac problem) latch on to thyroid tissue and rev up thyroid autoantibodies (TPO - antithyroperoxidase antibodies), leading to thyroid tissue damage.
This fabulous(excellent)article comes to us from:
What is Maca?
First of all, it's NOTHING to do with McDonald's, everyone's favourite restaurant and community centre. Maca is a substance that balances your hormones, getting progesterone back in check. Does lack of progesterone cause hair loss? Dr.Mercola agrees it does.
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Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Pringles! |
Click the link below to get started with this rather good book.

No matter which hair loss book you get don't forget a teaspoon of kelp powder in a glass of water a day. Your hair and scalp will feel REJUVENATED no matter what the state your hair regrowth ! Kelp powder (from a health shop) is ridiculously cheap. You CAN afford it!
How to stop hair loss and regrow your hair
How about this one? Have you heard about using oxygen to help with hair regrowth? Some dude on the curezone website claimed that he massaged his scalp with something called Vitamin O after he went through the Master Cleanse program and his hair is regrowing quicker than ever.Other people have a good hair growth spurt after going through hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Some people put a cap full of hydrogen peroxide in their water. My goodness that stuff tastes AWFUL. Pardon me for thinking oxygen would taste...nice...kinda like...air?
Link to Hair Regrowth and Frequency Medicine
Link to
Want to know how to get your ex back safely, quickly and securely? Text messages are hypnotically powerful stuff!
There's a lot of talk out there on the internet that DHT is to blame for hair loss. It isn't. Excess Estrogen is to blame.
Here's a quote:
Where does all this Estrogen come from and what sources of dietary fat is a major contribution?
The fat from Olive oil or corn oil, cheese, butter or meat is already in the form of triglycerides and since it goes directly into the intestines, the huge amount of undigested fats pour into the blood stream, and clumps blood cells together and is absorbed into the fat cells without needing digestion.
Worse the fat stimulates production of estrogen, which is a fat retaining hormone, allowing one to build and retain more fat on the body, with some of the estrogens concentrating in the prostate (BHP or later prostate cancer), hair follicles (hair loss) although the DHT is present in the scalp, the DHT increases in the scalp only because the androgens of Testosterone are not strong enough to compete with estrogen (estrogen is 1000- times more potent than testosterone) and only DHT can exist in a body loaded with estrogen.
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